Whole Wheat Veg Momos - Blogging Marathon #82

Veg momos are one dish for which no one can say "NO", untill anything specific. My son inherited this liking for us. He loves eating these momos like his lunch or dinner. Eating outside sometimes not possible which showed me a way to learn myself and cook. But again since we cant digest refined flour/maida I had to try this with whole wheat flour. 

This is the first time I tried this recipe. For filling I have not taken any measurements as I had to make them in bulk but later on when I cooked them I took proper measure of each ingredients. You can always adjust ass per your liking. So here I am with my whole wheat veg momos.

 Ingredients: Sufficient for four people

For dough 2 Cups whole wheat flour
1/2 Tsp salt
2 Tsp oil
water to make a dough

For stuffing

1.5 Cup finely chopped cabbage
1/2 Cup grated carrot
10-12 Garlic pods finely chopped
1/4 Cup spring onion finely chopped
1/2 Tsp black pepper
2 Tsp soya sauce
salt as per taste as it is already in the dough
1 Tblsp oil

Method: First mix the flour, oil and salt in a bowl. Add water slowly slowly to make a soft dough. It should not be very hard or very soft. Should resemble with poori dough. Keep it aside covering it. This will make it even while rolling.

Heat oil in a pan and add garlic to it. Fry it untill raw smell of garlic goes away. Keep it high flame. You have to make ready all ingredients or else they will burn on high flame. Reason for keeping it on high flame so that veggies gets crunchy. After this add all the finely chopped vegetables and cook for a 1-2 min. Keep stirring them.
Veg Momos

Add salt, pepper, soya sauce and mix well. Lastly add chopped spring onion and mix well for about 1 min. Switch off the flame. Your stuffing for veg momos is ready.Rolled the dough into a big disc and cut small circle for about 4 inch. Keep them thin. Put some stuffing in between and fold them into momos shape. 

Make these with all the remaining dough and now momos are ready to be steamed. Steam them for about 10 mins. And your momos are ready to eat.

I had them with tomato sauce and my son loved them so much. I was a happy mom as veggies went inside his tummy happily.

Submitting my entry to BM #82 Take out theme.

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